Join Us Now
- To further the goals of the NMA
- To have a voice in a national health organization
- To have a voice in minority health care
- To provide information to impact legislation affecting health care
- To have an opportunity to financially assist medical and nursing students
- To receive education on health issues which may benefit you and those with whom you have contact
- To receive Newsletter bi-annually which includes local and state auxiliary activities
- To share your knowledge and talents with others
Membership in the Auxiliary to the National Medical Association shall consist of spouses who meet qualifications as regular members, resident physician spouse members, and life honorary members.
If you wish to join or renew your membership off-line, you can download the Dues Statement.
Membership Level Descriptions
Regular members shall be:
The spouses of active (currently financial) members of the National Medical Association, Incorporated and widows and widowers whose spouses were in good standing at the time of their demise; and shall be a member in good standing in his or her Local and State Auxiliary where applicable. Eligibility shall be nullified with re-marriage outside the medical profession.
A member who resides in a state where there is no affiliate Auxiliary but meets the other qualifications in (1a) above.